The PMI Chennai Chapter celebrated International Women’s Day 2023 with the theme, “Embrace Equity,” on 11 March. Aparna Grandhi, lead of the Women Engagement Committee (WEC), commenced the event with a welcome note. She highlighted how working in genderbalanced groups leads to higher job satisfaction, productivity and lower turnover compared to an unbalanced environment. Grandhi also provided an overview of WEC’s activities over the past year and notes from the in-person WEC events held in Chennai and Coimbatore, India, where more than 70 women took part in one-onone conversations with experts.Vijay Narayanan, secretary of the PMI Chennai Chapter, congratulated the women members for their contributions to the chapter and invited them to participate more in chapter activities. Prasiddhi Singh, founder of the Prasiddhi Forest Foundation, was a guest speaker at the event, who shared her vision for a green planet.