The PMI Trivandrum, Kerala Chapter completed the board election process by the end of February. All of the candidates who filled the open positions were elected unopposed. The newly elected leaders officially assumed their roles at an annual general meeting held in a hybrid format on 2 April.The new board of directors for fiscal year 2023-24 are:Harikuttan K. − PresidentAkhila Gowri Shankar − Vice President, OperationsHariprasad P. S. − Vice President, FinanceSindhya Sudheendran − Vice President, EducationSreejesh Varier − Vice President, Professional DevelopmentAnna Jones Koshy − Vice President, MembershipPrageeth Prasannakumar − Vice President, VolunteersPriyesh Gopalakrishnan − Vice President, BranchesJoji John − Vice President, MarketingRasmi V. Nair − Vice President, GovernanceSai Bhadra − Director EventsJayakishore S. R. − Past President