The PMI Bangalore India Chapter conducted its monthly knowledge-sharing and networking sessions, “PM Footprints.”On 10 September 2022, Venkatesh Manjaiah, founder and CEO of Pansophy Learning Systems, spoke on “Enneagram (Any-A-Gram) Secrets for Project Managers.” He highlighted how 80% of today’s world is governed by emotional quotient (EQ) and emotional intelligence (EI). Manjaiah pointed out that EQ and EI are critical toolkits for project managers to achieve better stakeholder management, effective communication, and efficient project delivery.On 8 October 2022, Ramanujan Mysore, PhD, who is the CEO of Bravo Consulting LLC, shared insights on “Project Management Professionals—Humans with a Magic Wand.” The session delved into the realities of a project manager’s work life across domains and industries. Dr. Mysore reminded the audience of the strength of project managers and the miracles they are capable of creating.